Berlin is known as the capital of Germany and one of the most influential centres of the European Union.

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Berlin is the biggest city in German, and the second biggest in the whole European Union according to the amount of its inhabitants.

Berlin was several times capital of different German nations: County of Brandenburg, Kingdom of Prussia, German Empire, German Democratic Republic (only the Eastern part), and also of todays Germany.

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The city "Coelln", which was part of the double city "Berlin-Coelln", was mentioned in a document the first time in 1237. Berlin was mentioned the first time in 1244, which was located on the Northern bank of the Spree river. Both city received a common city hall in 1307. The name "Berlin" has nothing to do with the bear in the city crest. It's supposed the name "Berlin" comes from the Slavic syllable "Berl", which means "swamp".

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Berlin has about 3,4 mio inhabitants. At the end of the 17th century the area around Berlin was only scanty populated. The Thirty Years' War between 1618 to 1648, diveded the city in a half once more. It was Prince Friedrich Friedrich Wilhelm, who started on the end of the of the Thirty Years' War a new immigration policy. Between 1648 to 1709 the total population raised from 6.000 to 57.000. This was the foundation stone for Berlin becoming one of the most important cities in Europe and the rest of the world.

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The Gate "Brandenburger Tor" maybe the most important symbol of Berlin.

The dialect in Berlin is less known for its linguistic special quality, but for its cultural special quality. Since centuries Berlin is a city of immigration, which grew in a short time. In the cultural and linguistic melting pot daily arise hundrets of everyday lifes little conflicts, in which something does not not come up to someones expectation. The language in Berlin has developed the ability to comment such critical situations in a coarse humorous way, without any bad or rude swearwords.

copyright: Photographer: Simone Gobbo | Agency:

The Olympic Stadium of Berlin: built for the Olympic Games in 1936.

copyright: Photographer: Ewa Walicka | Agency: 

The underground subway of Berlin.

The city crest of Berlin shows a black bear with red tongue on two feet. The origin of that animal crest is unknown.It's supposed the black bear is a allusion to the founder of the Mark Brandenburg. His name was "Albrecht the Bear".
The bear is seen the first time on a document from 1280. But only in the end of the 19th century, the bear received its official status as a symbol of Berlin. Before the crest animal of Berlin was an eagle. It was the "Eagle of Brandenburg".

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