Tallinn - European Capital of Culture 2011
Tallinn is the capital of Estonia, and in 2011 it will also be the capital of culture for all of Europe. As the European Capital of Culture in 2011, Tallinn will be hosting major international events, bringing people and culture together.
Tallinn lies on a historically unique crossroads by the sea. It is the place where east and west and Northern and Central European cultures meet. Its Old Town forms part of UNESCO's World Heritage. It has grand song celebrations that describe the lasting love for music and quest for freedom of the Estonian people. Global statistics show that people here go to the theatre and read books more than anywhere else in the world.Culture in Tallinn is interwoven with the city as it is today and its rapid development. It is the cradle of Skype, and people here take wireless Internet as much for granted as the air they breathe. And you do not have to go far to find yourself in the midst of beautiful landscapes. Tallinn has always managed to maintain its image of being both tolerant and obstinate.
However, there is still one paradox that Tallinn has to fight to this day: it is a seaside city, but it is still not fully open to the sea. It seems that the people of Tallinn live with their backs turned to the sea. They do have their reasons – recent history has made access to the beautiful beaches skirting the centre of Tallinn difficult for both political and economic reasons.
But whatever the reasons, the capital of culture wants to look to the future and solve this paradox: improve the urban environment and bring the city and the sea together once more. We want Tallinn to tell its seaside stories with pride, as part of the capital of culture programme, and also after 2011. To find out more about the programme download the brochure "Tallinn - European Capital of Culture"!
Something will be happening in Tallinn every day in 2011, since the capital of culture year will be bringing some of the world's biggest names to Estonia. Visit the Tallinn 2011 website to find out more!
In 2011 Europe's best stories will be told in Tallinn!