Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar
Antananarivo - a city which is capital of Republic Madagascar. All population of this city can be divided on two ethnic groups: the gelding which migrated to Madagascar from Indonesia, and also cutye, direct inhabitants of the African region. As official languages two are accepted: French and Malagasy. But the population large part nevertheless prefers to talk on Malagasy which falls into to the western group of the Indonesian languages. About 50 % from total number of inhabitants of capital carries itself to Christians. But in this city also cults of ancestors traditional for this region also are actively supported.
In the city such cultural values, as the Museum of art and an archeology Museum, a building of the former palace of the queen of Madagascar (built in XIX century), the tunnel designed by Frenchmen in 1937, and also an obelisk, erected in honour of Malagasies who were lost during the First World War, Academy of sciences of Madagascar, university and an astronomical observatory are possessed. However, despite it, Antananarivo is an administrative centre of one of the poorest countries all over the world. It backwardness of tourist business in the this region speaks.